09. May 2021
Exploring Odaiba, Tokyo
I would like to present some pictures I took in Odaiba in my previous visit there in December 2019, with my comments and recommendations.
01. May 2021
Japanese Post: 先生の選び方について(英会話レッスン編)
22. January 2021
When and how many will Japan secure vaccine against coronavirus?
The population of Japan is 126 million. According to Japanese government this Wednesday(Jan. 20,2021), Japan will receive 144 million coronavirus vaccine doses from Pfizer Inc. within this year, to inoculate 72 million people covering more than half of the population.
27. November 2020
Japanese Post:英会話を学ぶときのコツ(&聞き取れない時の対処法)
Fumiko writes this article as an English teacher for those who are learning English but use Japanese in their everyday life, so that it is written in Japanese. 今回の記事は、英会話ティーチャーとしてFumikoが「英会話学習者の皆さまに向けた」内容です(2006年度から英会話を教えています。通訳案内士でもあります)。学習効果を最大限に高めるために、英会話レッスンを受講される「前&レッスン中」に何をすべきでしょうか?Fumikoおススメの学習方法をご紹介します!
30. August 2020
About water, weather and some animals/insects to watch out for in Japan
I hope the following information can be useful for the readers and those who plan to visit Japan especially for the first time.
15. July 2020
How do you say some Sushi toppings in Japanese or English ?
This article is written mainly in Japanese with some English translation, as it is meant for : English learners who use Japanese in their everyday life and/or Japanese learners who use English in their everyday life. (この記事は、英語学習者の方、又は、日本語学習者の方むけの記事です。そのため、主に日本語で書かれています。)
29. June 2020
How did the Samurai period end and what is the 'Meiji Restoration'?
I was sometimes asked by my guests 'How did the Samurai period end?' and 'What is Meiji Restoration'? In this article, I would like to answer these questions!
09. June 2020
Why is everywhere in Japan so clean?
I am often asked by my guests this question: why is everywhere in Japan so clean?
09. May 2020
FAQ about Japanese Sake
Fumiko would like to answer frequently asked questions about Japanese Sake.
07. May 2020
Essential information about Japanese sake
Classifications of Japanese sake can be complex to some extent.

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